Holy shit! This two bastards are really worthless! And the naked one is very ugly too! I believe that I have to show them HOW USELESS they are! I trample on their back with my boots and bare feet. They seem to be broken after a while but that doesn't matter - they are slaves and have to do whatever I want them to do! And this time I want them to be the ground I stay on!
Red-headed mistress Sindy forces her slave down to the ground and it is just the beginning of this trampling scene. She slides her heels on top of her slave causing red marks all over his body from the bottom of the heels scraping across his chest. Thinking the worse is over, the slave tries to get up to move away from the mistress but she is far from done and stomps on the guy?s chest forcing him to stay put. After the mistress teaches him a lesson, she sits on top of his body and slides her heels off and starts jumping on top of his body causing horrendous pain for the slave causing this trampling scene to be satisfying for the mistress.
Mistress Jessica loves to trample her slaves under her bare feet. This one's getting a bare foot trampling session he won't forget anytime soon. Jessica thinks normal trampling without shoes is just way too easy for the slave - so she gives him a pure bouncing and jumping session. The slave's really struggling under her sexy feet as he barely gets a chance to breathe with Jessica bouncing all over his chest non stop!
Mistress Black Diamond orders two of her slaves to lie down on the floor. While one of them is naked the other one's completely covered in a latex suit. She's wearing high heel boots when she starts trampling these wimpy slaves and the sharp heels leave marks in the skin of her slaves. After a while she allows one of her slaves to take her boots off and then continues to stomp their weak bodies under her sexy bare feet.
Alizee's got a stressful job as a secretary and loves to take out her anger on other people every now and then. This submissive guy just comes in handy! She makes him lie down on the floor and then steps on him - wearing her high heels! She walks all over his body and hearing him moan and beg really satisfies her!
Svenja is a blond mistress who wants to trample her slave for the evening. She makes her slave get on the ground and puts her heart-shaped heels onto his chest forcing him to stay put. Taking the breath out of him with ever stomp she delivers to his chest, she forces him to stay put while she slides off her heels and starts the true punishment. Putting pressure on his head as he is trying to get up, she forces him to stay on the floor as she jumps on top of his body, with her bare feet, causing maximum pain in this seductive trampling session that this guy was not obviously ready for.
Miss Candy and Miss Gia brought their slave girl Bambina to the bedroom to have some fun torturing the petite slave girl. They force her to lie down on the bed and then immediately step on Bambina's head. They're taking turns but always stand on the girl's head for a long time and enjoy slowly compressing her skull and distorting her skin under their foot soles. You can guess the massive pressure on the girl's head when you see it nearly disappearing in the bed's mattress!
Mistress Gloria wrapped her naked slave in saran wrap so he can't move at all. Now she can easily trample this wimp lying on the bed. She walks all over his body without shoes and verbally humiliates the poor slave in between as well. He has no chance - he just has to endure whatever physical or psychological pain his mistress unleashes on him.
Mistresses Lydie and Leelo order their slave to lie down next to a picnic table and immediately start trampling him under their high heeled shoes. At first they take turns trampling him, but as they get more and more into it, they wants him to suffer more and get on his body together. Now the full weight of both mistresses crushes the slave's chest and they even jump on him. In the end they force him to clean the dirty soles and heels of their shoes with his tongue too!
... some painful trampling! She wears some hot boots most of the time and is perfect equipped for a nice trampling session. And a helpless slave is also found very easy! The slave has to lay down on the ground. His chest is naked so you can easily see the marks her boots leave on his skin. But she also likes to use her bare feet for better control to play with his face and humiliate him even further...!